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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

If we are not in sight..

...we are certainly not far away.
We want to take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of recycling for the world and the chemical industry. We are proud to make a contribution to an urgently needed circular economy. Together with our subsidiary, Rematec GmbH, we are committed to a sustainable circular economy.
Our female colleagues are irreplacable.
Not a trace is left behind with our graffiti remover CONTROX.

Our Promise

Effectively protecting treated surfaces from corrosion with CUSTOS
Get to know the advantages of our successful product in the video
Our subsidiary is rewarded for its commitment to quality standards and environmental protection with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications
How we convinced our customer with improved quality and enhanced safety

Welcome Back to 2024

Our Metalworking & Cleaning, Paintshop Materials and Surface Treatment business units offer comprehensive solutions in the field of surface technology.
Our departments had a blast just before Christmas and celebrated the end of the year together.
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