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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels! read more »
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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

This semester, we were once again able to award scholarships to two students from Hochschule Mannheim. The two talented scholarship holders with a focus on chemistry have already visited our laboratory and were able to gain an impression of what happens there daily.
Our Kluthe CR colleagues could not miss out on being part of the international conference in Brno, where progressive and unconventional technologies of Surface Treatment are the focus of attention.

Top ranking at EcoVadis!

We are delighted to have achieved an impressive 91st percentile ranking in this year's assessment of the internationally recognized sustainability ranking EcoVadis.

Kluthe at this year's OFI

Compatibility of pretreatment chemistry and sustainability
Kluthes success in labeling changes and hydro-rinsing agents
At OFI Powder Day 2023, we will be giving an exciting presentation on how pretreatment chemistry and sustainability are compatible.
By introducing our water-soluble, oil-free cooling lubricant, we were able to successfully solve the permanent foaming and clogging of the pipes in the customer's central system.
Our resource-efficient DECORRDAL thin-film technology sets standards in the pretreatment industry.
Kluthe already saves enormous amounts of CO2 every year by using resource-efficient products, recycling and innovative processes

Success in China

Chinese Automaker Achieves Environmental Milestone with Sustainable Painting Process Innovation by Kluthe

Tank Cleaning - Simply Clean

Learn more about the significant role of low temperature applications as well as Product Carbon Footprints for data-based sustainability accounting.
In line with the sustainability strategy of Chemische Werke Kluthe, we offer VOC-reduced products and can improve the solvent balance by taking back and innovatively recycling used scrap (organic products).
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