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First hot-dip galvanised production batch

Galva Normandie has chosen us as its partner for chemical pre-treatment. In May 2024, the new, state-of-the-art hot-dip galvanising plant in France was successfully put into operation to galvanise for Diamond Grating. But local customers looking for a good hot-dip galvaniser will also find a reliable partner in Galva Normandie.

Diamond, a company of the Lichtgitter Group, is the only French manufacturer of pressed metal mesh. From design and shipping to steel coils and customized products, the company uses its expertise to serve customers and professionals in the construction, architectural and industrial sectors.

Picture (from left to right): Erik Corbeau (Technical Sales Engineer, Kluthe France), Ulrich Paskert (Dipl.-Ing. Application Engineering, Kluthe Germany)

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