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Sustainability project with the Gottlieb Daimler School

We are glad that our extensive sustainability project with the Gottlieb Daimler School (GDS 1) in Sindelfingen has been successfully completed.

Last year, technician students specializing in industrial coating technology visited our plant in Wieblingen. This year, they joined us in implementing an ambitious project: determining the carbon footprint of their school.

Following a series of training courses on sustainability and climate change, the students determined the carbon footprint of the school's operations with our support. This included not only electricity and heating, but also printers, copy paper, paints and solvents used as well as transportation from home to school.

We are proud to see the actions developed to reduce the school's carbon footprint and thank the students for their impressive commitment and successful graduation as technicians!

#pretreatment #surfacetreatment #PaintShop #harmonyinchemistry #sustainablechemistry #Sustainability #yeswecare

