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YES, WE CARE - sustainable through all departments

Sustainability is a clear conviction for us. We strive to create a world in which a flourishing economy, the well-being of people and an intact environment go hand in hand. After all, sustainable economic activity is essential for our future.

To achieve this, we pursue a holistic approach that is anchored in all departments of our company. Whether by optimizing resource consumption, increasing energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions or our advanced recycling management – we are actively committed to a sustainable world.

Our employees receive regular sustainability training so that we can communicate our sustainability strategy to the outside world in the best possible way. In this way, we ensure that our teams exemplify and represent our values not only in their day-to-day work, but also in contact with our customers.

Because at Kluthe, the motto is: YES, WE CARE.

#Sustainability #yeswecare #sustainabilitystrategy #sustainabilitygoals #harmonyinchemistry

