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Collaboration for sustainable solutions

Successful collaboration for sustainable solutions in corrosion prevention

Our customer, a leading manufacturer of drive shafts, operates globally and emphasizes quality and longevity. To optimally protect their products from corrosion damage, a proven water-miscible corrosion prevention solution from the Custos 70 series was employed—successfully for many years at 55 °C.

Considering rising energy costs, we jointly aimed to reduce the operating temperature to 30 °C. Through close collaboration and targeted testing, we were able to further develop the corrosion prevention emulsion, ensuring not only that the temperature requirement was met but also significantly improving the economic efficiency of the process.

The result? Significant cost savings and continued smooth production!

We are delighted to contribute to the efficiency and sustainability of our customers through innovative solutions!

#CustomerSatisfaction #innovation #corrosionprevention #EnergySavings #harmonyinchemistry #custos #ProcessImprovement #successstory

