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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

Customer Bedford Engineering reports: how HAKUFLUID 185 contributes to increased efficiency.

Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day! We would like to take this opportunity to present our refined sustainability strategy #Yeswecare.

Paint line cleaning

Dismantling and shutdown times are a thing of the past! Our paint line cleaning solution guarantees clean and reliable performance.
It does at Kluthe. With our DECORRDAL pretreatment, you can prepare your surfaces for treatment to achieve perfect results.

HAKUPUR Floorguard

Sustainable floor cleaner for industrial use

Career at Kluthe

Mohammad's career path at Kluthe - from final-year project to expert
We are pleased to announce that last spring our CSR Task Force was launched to strengthen our sustainability strategy and meet current challenges.
Another Success Story of our oilfree cooling lubricants
Once again this year, we took part in the traditional PPPU surface treatment conference in Prague, where the 50th anniversary event was held.
With our sustainable coolant series HAKUFORM S and HAKUFORM SE, over 2,000,000 kilograms of CO2e could be saved in 2023.
Did you know that Heidelberg is a rugby city?
Last week, our Metalworking & Cleaning business unit welcomed customers from various industries to the M&C TechDay.
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