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Process optimization with HAKUFLUID and HAKUPUR

Discover our new article in JOT!

In it, we showcase how HAKUFLUID and HAKUPUR are successfully used by one of the leading automotive manufacturers in the production of transmissions for both e-mobility and combustion engines.

By using HAKUFLUID 185 and HAKUPUR 439-1, the user achieves the following benefits:

• Reduced consumption
• Prevention of foreign oil contamination
• Compliance with cleaning requirements
• Extension of bath life from 1 to over 3 weeks
• Biostability of the parts cleaner
• Energy savings by reducing the cleaning temperature from 60 to 40 °C
• CO₂ reduction

Sustainable process optimization with HAKUFLUID and HAKUPUR enhances efficiency and product quality.

#Fromthefield #Hakufluid #coolinglubricant #Hakupur #InnovativeCleaning #ProcessOptimization #emobility

