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Our mentoring program

Getting started together

Starting out in a new company can be exciting, but also challenging. This is exactly where our mentoring program comes in!

What's behind it? Experienced employees take on the role of mentor and support new colleagues - across departments. The aim? To make it easier to get started, promote social integration and bring our corporate culture to life. 

What makes a mentor special? The mentor is not available for technical induction - that is left to the head of department. Instead, it's about:

• Confidential exchange: asking questions, openly exchanging ideas - all at eye level.
• Networking & integration: building bridges between departments.
• Motivation & feedback: Growing together and learning from each other.

Through this neutral person of trust, we create a feel-good atmosphere in which new employees can develop their full potential.

With the mentoring program and a neutral confidant, we create a safe framework so that new colleagues can integrate quickly, expand their knowledge and feel comfortable in the company in the long term.

#mentoring #onboarding #teamwork #employeedevelopment #collaboration

