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Total cost of ownership in CNC machining

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in CNC machining isn't just about upfront costs — it's about long-term #savings and #productivity!

With the right choice of cooling lubricants, the total cost of ownership can be targeted reduced by key factors such as

• Extended tool life
• Reduced machine downtime
• Lower costs for maintenance and waste disposal.

In the end, the smart use of resources always pays off. Rely on the high-quality #Hakufluid and #hakuform cooling lubricants to sustainably maximize your ROI!

Watch the video now: kluthe.com/media/video/4b/17/4a/MC_Hakufluid.mp4

#TCO #cncmachining #CostOptimization #Manufacturing #efficiency #AdvancedMetalworking #harmonyinchemistry

