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Introducing our Business Unit Surface Treatment

Our Surface Treatment Business Unit operates globally in the areas of pretreatment, non-cutting forming, and corrosion protection of metals.

In the pretreatment sector, metallic workpieces such as steel, galvanized steel, and aluminum undergo surface treatment before final coating. Our pretreatment products, especially those in the DECORRDAL range, enhance the adhesion of various coating systems, protect metal surfaces from corrosion, and ensure the long-term value retention of our customers' components.

Our processes for forming and surface protection include products for metal forming and corrosion protection. Chipless cold forming through extrusion, drawing, or deep drawing forms the basis for efficient industrial mass production of many components.

#surfacetreatment #innovation #Sustainability #Metalprocessing #ProcessOptimization #harmonyinchemistry #pretreatment #formingandprotection

