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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

Our long-standing partner appreciates the benefits of our oil-free cooling lubricant HAKUFLUID® 164.
In May 2024, the new, state-of-the-art hot-dip galvanising plant in France was successfully put into operation.

SC Neuenheim is runner-up

As a sponsor of the rugby club, we are very proud of the team and their great success this season.
Keep your tankers clean with our comprehensive cleaning solutions!

BASF Company Cup

A unique atmosphere, our team spirit and lots of fun brought us to the BASF Firmencup 2024 again this year.
Customer Bedford Engineering reports: how HAKUFLUID 185 contributes to increased efficiency.

Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day! We would like to take this opportunity to present our refined sustainability strategy #Yeswecare.
