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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

Our resource-efficient DECORRDAL thin-film technology sets standards in the pretreatment industry.
Kluthe already saves enormous amounts of CO2 every year by using resource-efficient products, recycling and innovative processes

Success in China

Chinese Automaker Achieves Environmental Milestone with Sustainable Painting Process Innovation by Kluthe

Tank Cleaning - Simply Clean

Learn more about the significant role of low temperature applications as well as Product Carbon Footprints for data-based sustainability accounting.
In line with the sustainability strategy of Chemische Werke Kluthe, we offer VOC-reduced products and can improve the solvent balance by taking back and innovatively recycling used scrap (organic products).
Our DECORRDAL process provides excellent pretreatment of aluminum for powder coating in the architectural and construction industries.
A successful E-Congres Paint Poland 2023 is over and we are more than proud to win the Supplier of the Year Award.

Foodtruck at Kluthe

Last week, we once again had the pleasure of welcoming a food truck that treated us to delicious Kurpfalz specialties!
