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Avoid, reduce, compensate: Sustainable carbon management at Kluthe

Avoid, reduce, compensate: Sustainable carbon management at Kluthe

Kluthe already saves enormous amounts of CO2 every year by using resource-efficient products, recycling and innovative processes: https://kluthe.com/en/sustainability/sustainable-chemistry-from-heidelberg/. Avoidance is our priority.
However, we also take responsibility for emissions that we cannot avoid today. In addition to the sustainable management of forests in Canada, we support the Pacajai Forest Conservation Project in the Amazon rainforest in Portel, Brazil.

The Amazon rainforest still covers an area of over 8 million square kilometers. In recent decades, deforestation has progressed rapidly, due to clearing for agriculture and illegal logging. The Pacajai project protects 150,000 hectares of threatened forest land, preventing the emission of huge amounts of CO2. By supporting the project, we offset our company's unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1 and 2).

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