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Success in China

Chinese Automaker Achieves Environmental Milestone with Sustainable Painting Process Innovation by Kluthe ??✨

During its efforts to achieve A-Rating environmental performance qualification per GB 38508-2020, a leading Chinese automaker is targeting the replacement of the high-VOC purging solvent currently in use with low-VOC purging materials for its waterborne painting process.

The company initiated line trials to transition from the current solvent to various low-VOC waterborne purges for comparison. Among these, our NIKUTEX 4634 demonstrated exceptional performance with the most effective cleaning results when compared to its counterparts. Moreover, significant cost-saving benefits were realized by reducing material consumption per vehicle by 76%, decreasing cost per vehicle by 45%, and cutting energy consumption per vehicle by 50%.

Throughout the normal production run of 700 vehicles, the company closely monitored the results. Remarkably, no issues such as heterochromatic spots or craters were observed, and crucial components such as dispersion disks, bells, and the atomizer's exterior remained in pristine condition.

Find out more and get in contact HERE.

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