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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

To achieve the 1.5°C goal, CO2 emissions must be drastically reduced as fast as possible. This requires close cooperation between suppliers and customers.
The past industry event Hot-dip Galvanizing dealt intensively with the topics of sustainability and circular economy.
The event was organized by the Industrieverband Feuerverzinken e.V. Kluthe participated as a supporting member of the association.
Our French subsidiary, Kluthe France, had the incredible opportunity to be invited to the Université de Bordeaux to introduce our cutting-edge chemistry to an audience of 30 esteemed companies in the area.
With our products, you can achieve optimal performance in metalworking processes while reducing energy consumption and waste.
Our alkaline HAKUPUR cleaners are perfectly matched to the cleaning requirements and offer different variants that can also easily handle a high input of soap lubricants. The wetting agent combinations are ideal for dip, flush or spray applications.
