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Focus on hot-dip galvanizing: industry event brings together industry experts

Focus on hot-dip galvanizing: industry event brings together industry experts

The past industry event Hot-dip Galvanizing dealt intensively with the topics of sustainability and circular economy.
The event was organized by the Industrieverband Feuerverzinken e.V. Kluthe participated as a supporting member of the association.

The event provided a platform for experts and decision-makers from the industry to discuss current developments and challenges related to hot-dip galvanizing and the circular economy. Three key topics were the focus of the discussions: selecting the right energy source for different processes, energy policy in the area of tension between decarbonization and energy security, and the importance of steel as a building material in the circular economy.

Speakers emphasized the need to shape the industrial electricity price so that companies are able to shape their energy supply sustainably while remaining competitive.

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