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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

Our colleagues from Kluthe Hungary Kft. were invited to hold a professional lecture on the topic of pre-treatment at the well-known Wacker Neuson machine manufacturing company.
We are pleased to inform you about the establishment of our newest subsidiary Kluthe Slovakia.
Kluthe has solutions for typical problems
How to be a brand ambassador even on the slopes and do it with pride is shown by the colleagues of Kluthe Poland on skiing vacation.

IPCC report 2023

How to act now as a chemical company
Success Story HAKUPUR 50-373-7

Master Thesis at Rematec

Energy and resource efficiency measures in companies
With this title, master student Florian Mirwald has successfully completed his thesis.
ACE Summit 2023

International Women's Day

Proud to have these great colleagues on board
