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We've been letting the chips fly together for 10 years!

We've been letting the chips fly together for 10 years! *new video*

At Kluthe, we believe in long-term partnerships with our customers.
Our 10-year collaboration with Seco Tools is one such partnership that we would like to capture with a joint video.
With the oil-free #Hakufluid cooling lubricants, numerous technical improvements have been achieved during this time, as well as creating a clean & environmentally friendly working environment.
The CO2e savings generated in the process can be accounted via the #pcf (Product Carbon Footprint) since 2022.

We are proud of this collaboration and look forward to the next 10 years!

See the video HERE.

#seco #secotools #harmonyinchemistry #metalworking #metalworkingcleaning #MC #partnership #kluthe partner #collaboration

