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VDSI conference

VDSI conference in Wieblingen: Insight, exchange and inspiration

On January 15, we welcomed the members of the Kurpfalz district group of the VDSI (Association for Safety, Health and Environmental Protection at Work) to our plant in Wieblingen-Heidelberg. Since it was founded in 1951, the VDSI has been a key player in the fields of occupational safety, health and environmental protection. Originally founded as the Association of German Safety Engineers, the association is now open to a broad professional community dedicated to these important topics.

The conference not only discussed current developments and challenges, but also fostered the valuable exchange of experiences - an inspiring look beyond the horizon that helps us all move forward.

We are delighted with the positive response to the event and would like to thank all participants for the exciting exchange!

#vdsi #workplacesafety #environmentalprotection #Networking

