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Today is Global Recycling Day!

Today is Global Recycling Day!

We want to take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of recycling for the world and the chemical industry. We are proud to make a contribution to an urgently needed circular economy. Together with our subsidiary, Rematec GmbH, we are committed to a sustainable circular economy and use innovative processes such as Resolve-T® to make the chemical industry more sustainable.

We use Resolve-T® to recover organic solvents and recycle distillation residues and paint sludge, thereby achieving 100% resource utilization. With high yields and quality without the formation of harmful cracking products, Resolve-T® is a pioneer for environmentally friendly solutions in the chemical industry. Let's accelerate recycling and create a sustainable future for future generations.

More information can be found here: https://rematec-recycling.com/en/services/

#GlobalRecyclingDay #Yeswecare #harmonyinchemistry #circulareconomy #sustainability #chemicalindustry #sustainability #sustainablechemistry #renewablecarbon #climatechange

