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Meet us at MetalMadrid 2022

Kluthe Ibérica will be presenting its new solutions in Metalworking & Cleaning at Metal Madrid, which will be held this year at Ifema on 19 and 20 October.

Pleased to welcome you at our stand located in Hall 4, stand F43, where we will have the opportunity to present you the latest innovations in

  • Degreasers for washing and preparation of parts.
  • GTL (Gas to Liquid) synthetic oils.
  • Emulsifiable machining fluids.
  • Products for tube production.
  • Corrosion protection and water repellents.
  • VCI products.

We are happy to attend your enquiries and the demands of products or services that you need for your companies.

#metalmadrid #metalmadrid2022 #metalworkingcleaning #InnovativeCleaning

