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Kluthe at the 5th Powder Forum in Wels

Kluthe at the 5th Powder Forum in Wels - our solutions for pre-treatment before powder coating.

The 5th Powder Forum of the Institute for Management and Trade (imh) was an excellent opportunity for us to meet with other industry experts and discuss our expertise and innovations in the field of pre-treatment before powder coating. For the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices, the imh's powder forum is a significant platform. The Kluthe Austria team was on hand with a stand to answer questions, discuss individual solutions and showcase the Kluthe process advantages.

#klutheaustria #KlutheFamily #harmonyinchemistry #pretreatment #surfacetreatment #powdercoating #imh #pulverforum #pulverforumwels #pulverforum2023

