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HAKUPUR Floorguard

HAKUPUR Floorguard: Sustainable floor cleaner for industrial use

At a time when industrial sustainability is essential, HAKUPUR Floorguard is setting new standards. The environmentally friendly floor cleaner has been specially developed for industrial requirements and ensures first-class cleaning results on industrial floors and metal surfaces.

✅ Powerful cleaning and degreasing performance: Works powerfully against soiling on industrial floors and metal surfaces.
✅ Sustainable impact: Up to 70 % sustainable raw materials reduce water consumption and improve resource efficiency.
✅ Lower carbon footprint: Reduces CO₂ emissions by 30% compared to conventional products.
✅ Versatile: Suitable for manual use, high-pressure and cleaning machines.

Choose HAKUPUR Floorguard and experience a sustainable cleaning solution that focuses on first-class cleaning performance. #InnovativeCleaning

Learn more: https://kluthe.com/en/products/industrial-parts-cleaning/water-based/
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