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HAKUPUR A 934 in Action

Sustainability Meets Efficiency

A medium-sized company that manufactures precision parts for the automotive, aviation and medical technology industries, successfully tackled the challenge of balancing sustainability, CO₂ reduction, and cost savings – without compromising on quality!

Thanks to the collaboration with Kluthe Application Technology and the implementation of HAKUPUR A 934, their high-pressure deburring process was sustainably optimized.

Tangible Benefits for the User:


  • Lower Product Carbon Footprint due to reduced concentration requirements.
  • Annual savings of over €10,000.
  • Doubling of bath life from 2 to 4 weeks.

The result? A satisfied customer who invited us to explore further optimization opportunities in their production processes.

HAKUPUR A 934 demonstrates that sustainable innovations not only enhance environmental impact but also deliver significant cost advantages.

Photo credits: BvL Oberflächentechnik GmbH


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