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GSB committee meeting

GSB aluminum and GSB steel quality committee meeting

On January 21, we had the pleasure of hosting this year's meeting of the GSB aluminum and GSB steel quality committees at our plant in Wieblingen.

The event was characterized by exciting discussions about the pretreatment of aluminium and steel as well as an intensive technical exchange. A joint lunch, an informative plant tour and an atmospheric evening event created the perfect setting for networking and know-how transfer.

The GSB International association sets standards in the coating quality of aluminum and steel throughout Europe. Since 1977, the association has been committed to continuously optimizing the requirements for finishing processes and sustainably improving quality in the industry.

We at Kluthe, a member of GSB International, also stand for the highest standards in surface finishing and promote sustainable further development of the industry with our products and solutions.

We would like to thank everyone involved for the successful discussions and are already looking forward to the next GSB event!

#aluminum #steel #pretreatment #qualitystandard #Sustainability #Networking

