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Experiencing Kluthe live, at the M&C TechDay

Experiencing Kluthe live, at the M&C TechDay

Last week, our Metalworking & Cleaning business unit welcomed customers from various industries to the M&C TechDay. Over two exciting days, an inspiring exchange took place between customers, technical teams and sales colleagues.

Sustainability, a key topic since the company was founded, was also the focus of the event. Our experts presented suitable solutions in the field of cooling lubricants and corrosion prevention agents. Industrial parts cleaning was also on the agenda, with BvL Oberflächentechnik GmbH providing additional insights during one of the highlight presentations. 

Visitors were given a guided tour of Kluthe's production facilities, laboratories and the new technical centre to enable them to experience Kluthe's wide range of possibilities. The event concluded with an inspiring presentation by Daniel Römer, social media influencer and user in the field of cooling lubricants.

A big thank you to all the speakers and colleagues who helped to organise this successful event! We look forward to a repeat.

#kluthe #harmonyinchemistry #KlutheFamily #metalworkingandcleaning #techday #events #technikum #thankyou #proud

