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E-Congres Paint Poland 2023

E-Congres Paint Poland 2023
From September 18 to 20, our esteemed colleagues will participate in the congress in Uniejów?

The colleagues from Kluthe Poland will give an exciting presentation entitled "Sustainable Pretreatment - Pretreatment Technology Comparison"?? The presentation will provide insights into sustainable pretreatment technologies and compare different approaches.

We are happy that Kluthe Poland can use the platform to share their expertise and contribute to the topic of sustainability in pretreatment. Don't miss the opportunity to listen to Kluthe Poland's presentation and shape the future of pretreatment technology together!

Info is available HERE.

#KluthePoland #EcongresPaintPoland #Sustainability #pretreatment #technology #sharingknowledge #PaintPoland2023

