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CO₂ Savings with HAKUFORM SE 846!

A leading steel processing company has optimized its processes with the coolant HAKUFORM SE 846. Despite being satisfied with existing operations, the production manager was driven to reduce CO₂ emissions. In collaboration with Kluthe application technology, a solution was developed that supports the company’s sustainability goals while ensuring process quality.

HAKUFORM SE 846 reduces the product carbon footprint (PCF) by 1.32 KG CO₂ per kg of coolant, leading to an impressive 42% reduction. This sustainable innovation meets the requirements of sustainability reporting (CSRD) and demonstrates how existing processes can be optimized.

The success of this project has led the production manager to request Kluthe to explore further optimization opportunities.

#Sustainability #innovation #CO2Reduction #hakuform #harmonyinchemistry #successstory

