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Career at Kluthe

Mohammad's career path at Kluthe - from final-year project to expert

Mohammad first came into contact with Kluthe while studying Chemical Process Engineering at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. According to Mohammad, Kluthe has an excellent reputation at the university, particularly due to its expertise in thermal processes and surface treatment. A project advertised by the subsidiary Rematec Recycling GmbH finally persuaded him to apply to us to write his Bachelor's thesis.

The project consisted of the holistic reorganisation of the process flow in order to achieve energy and CO2 savings. Mohammad was fascinated by the challenge and after his exchange with the project manager, he started working enthusiastically. His involvement in the project ultimately ranged from theoretical planning to practical implementation and commissioning.

After successfully completing the project, Mohammad was ready for more. He was given responsibility for the independent design and realisation of another project. In collaboration with a partner company, the concept was successfully realised and put into operation.

As his knowledge and experience grew, Mohammad also developed an awareness of safety issues in process engineering. In collaboration with Rematec's plant management, he designed measures to improve safety in various areas of the plant, which served as his master's thesis. Mohammad's talent and dedication did not go unnoticed and he has now been a valued member of the team for over two years, even beyond his final projects.

Mohammad feels comfortable in his team and appreciates the freedom to realize his ideas. His vision for the future is to join Kluthe full-time and continue to use his expertise profitably. With his talent, motivation and the opportunities Kluthe offers him, Mohammad is ready to further his career and make a significant contribution to the success of the company and the environment. The following quote has accompanied and driven him so far: "Don't waste, even if the resources were infinite."

We are extremely proud to have him on board the #KlutheFamily and to support him on his career path!

#Rematec #rematecrecycling #employeeexperience #jobsinheidelberg #career #jobprofile #development #careerdevelopment

