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Bachelor Thesis Thin-Film

Our colleague Mohammed Kouran presented his successful bachelor thesis, which was supervised in cooperation with the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and Rematec GmbH.
Under the topic "Use of thin-film evaporator technology in solvent recycling to save CO2 emissions", he was able to find out that thin-film technology has a number of advantages:
  • The CO2 emissions that arise during the production and processing of solvents can be reduced by 14 kt CO2 per year with a thin-film process
  • Production times can be reduced by 25%
  • The recycling rate can be increased by 30%
  • The energy saving of the whole process can be up to 20%
The promising process will also be used in our recycling activities. Further information is available HERE.
#Rematec #harmonyinchemistry #recyclingchemistry
