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Alongside well-balanced products, tailored to the ...

Alongside well-balanced products, tailored to the application, it is important to work with the right process parameters to assure the end quality of pretreatment processes. Working in partnership with ProMinent Dosiertechnik GmbH, Kluthe has developed a measurement and control system that allows the user to read and control pre-set ideal process parameters remotely.

The second generation of the Mini-Scuid has additional inputs to detect even more process parameters as well as other outputs to control the corresponding pumps. An online connection with application technicians in our laboratory means action can be taken immediately in the event of an error. A connection to the system-integrated data line is also possible with the second generation.

Are you interested in a measuring and control system? Contact us: https://kluthe.com/en/kontaktformular-unternehmen


