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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels! read more »
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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

At the AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPO Congress 2019 our Head of Global Business Unit Pretreatment gave a lecture on the topic of innovative zinc phosphat...
Kluthe Benelux participated at the Eurofinish and Materials tradeshow in Leuven. During the two days 1200 visitors visited the tradeshow. We've met a ...
Visit us at the Polveri & Ecocoating from the 4th to 6th June 2019 in Bilbao, Spain! It’s an international, professional and dual fair combining Polve...
Our new Mini Scuid offers digital connectivity and assures our customers a constant maintenance of measured process parameters through automatic contr...
Yesterday, we welcomed our Kluthe specialists from all over Europe to the European Pretreatment Sales Meeting in Heidelberg. In addition to new produc...
Last week we attended an in-house exhibition of the Wagner Group in Poland. The fair is only for invited customers and suppliers and offers a unique p...
We are an international company with a global corporate strategy that we successfully implement in our procurement. So if you are interested in our bu...
At the Powder Symposium in Dresden last week we were able to welcome numerous interested parties and customers. In addition to our information booth w...
Finally, our production plant in Brazil is finished! We think the result is something to be proud of!
Another success story added to our list of achievements with our partner Zavenir Daubert!
Here some impression of the TUBE INNOVATION DAYS in Poland! Thank you,Tube Innovation Network for giving a fabulous number of audience and such an int...
2019 is the year of the pig and we wish all our Chinese customers and partners a Happy New Year!
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