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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

How do I know when you’re using the wrong coolant for cutting or grinding? This is the question Joe Gibson wants to answer...
Find that interesting article on Linkedin about five reasons why HAKUFLUID is the first choice for precision machining and engineering from our Managi...
Only qualified employees create a competitive advantage for our customers! This is why we share the know-how we have gathered over the last 70 years. ...
Some great impressions from Zavenir Kluthe's first participation at the Expo Paint and Coating 2019!
Your company is always interested in innovative and high-performance plants and components for the production of pipes and you are looking for a partn...
We are a member! Only recently we were allowed to get to know the initiative "Awake with 80 km/h" (German: Hellwach mit 80 km/h) and we are glad that ...
A few weeks ago one of our customers invited our Polish sales team to a family picnic and football match in Kaczory.
A summer party full of atmosphere is a great occasion for our company to give our employees time off together and at the same time promote team spirit...
The DFO Agricultural and Construction Machinery Forum will take place in Memmingen from 19 to 20 September 2019. Kluthe will participate in the forum ...
Find more information about HAKUFORM L at our homepage: https://kluthe.com/en/products/cooling-lubricants/non-water-miscible-gtl-oil/
Paul Horn GmbH has been developing and producing grooving, side turning and slot milling tools since 1969; these tools occupy a leading position in th...
At the AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPO Congress 2019 our Head of Global Business Unit Pretreatment gave a lecture on the topic of innovative zinc phosphat...
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