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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels! read more »
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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!


Hochdruckfähiger Multimetallreiniger

Tank Truck Cleaning

Our chemistry cleans your tank trucks!
70 years Chemische Werke Kluthe - sustainability has tradition.

imh Forum

Postponement - imh Annual Powder Coating Forum in Vienna!


This is how you combine sustainability with increased efficiency!

We are looking for you!

We are looking for a corporate lawyer (M/W/D) for our Headquarter in Heidelberg, Germany!

CO2 reduction

Our HAKUFORM SE series shows that cooling lubricants can make a significant contribution to improving the CO2 footprint of a manufacturing company.

Conti® Coatings

Our subsidiary Conti® Coatings is now also on LinkedIn and Facebook!

Powder Coating Forum

From October 06-07 2020, the Annual Powder Coating Forum will take place for the 3rd time in Vienna!

Surface pretreatment

Surface pretreatment - We inspect and paint your surfaces for you.


At Kluthe, we don’t just use the color green for our logo, we are also green by tradition and because we believe in it! We are always working on our sustainability strategy.


HAKUFORM SE - Sustainable cooling lubricant
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