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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

Aluminum Pretreatment: Quo vadis?

Our 360-degree-concept

Our 360-degree-concept

CO2 equivalents

Save CO2 equivalents

HAKUFLUID New Generation

HAKUFLUID New Generation

Check-up production

Check-up production

Participation SPF Pulverlack

Participation SPF Pulverlack

CO2 equivalent savings

With our cooling lubricants, our customers were able to achieve CO2 equivalent savings of 932,000 kilograms last year.

Hot dip galvanizing industry

We are system supplier for the hot dip galvanizing industry!


HAKUPUR 700 D - One cleaner for numerous applications

Harmony in Chemistry

Harmony in Chemistry - For a sustainable future


HAKUPUR 740 - High pressure multi metal cleaner.

Documented sustainability!

Documented sustainability! - Certificates about your CO2-savings
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