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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels! read more »
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Find here every week news about Kluthe and our activities or follow our blog on our social media channels!

Be wide awake - and stay accident-free.

Good ideas pay off

Good ideas pay off

Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Sustainable development, green logistics, future-oriented recycling
Chemische Werke Kluthe GmbH and Algol Chemicals start cooperation

SCUID optimizes

SCUID optimizes

Conti truck in a new look

Conti truck in a new look
The potential of circular economy
Our Responsibility - Video Kluthe Forest

Kluthe at MetalMadrid 2021

Kluthe at MetalMadrid 2021

Our forest

Our forest
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