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36th VDI Annual Meeting of Cold Formers in Düsseldorf

Whether solid, tube, wire, can or sheet metal cold forming - precise knowledge of our customers' processes is our profession. On February 15 and 16, 2023, we will therefore once again participate as experts in what is now the 36th VDI Annual Meeting of Cold Formers in Düsseldorf. This year, the focus of the event is on the topic of "CO2 savings in massive forming". At Kluthe, we pay great attention to the topic of sustainability of our products and processes and provide our customers with unsolicited data on the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of our products.

Our colleagues at the event are looking forward to many interesting discussions and to presenting our most advanced products to prove that performance and sustainability go hand in hand at Kluthe.
Register for the event to learn more.

More information about it can be found HERE.
Additional information to our profile HERE.
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