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Increase efficiency with low-temperature pre-treatment

A premium manufacturer of custom-made sun protection solutions has converted its state-of-the-art pre-treatment plant with powder coating to our Kluthe products HAKUPUR 10-920, Netzmittel 172 and DECORRDAL AL 325.

The challenge: reduce temperature, increase productivity and conserve resources.
The result: Maximum efficiency & sustainability!

The measurable benefits for the customer:


  • Reduced working temperature from 60 °C to 45 °C
  • Lower energy costs
  • Less water consumption & emissions
  • Higher productivity thanks to optimized processes
  • More sustainable production & conservation of resources

Our sustainability calculator has been instrumental in making the potential reduction of the carbon footprint as well as the cost and resource savings transparent.

#Sustainability #efficiency #pretreatment #powdercoating #decorrdal #Netzmittel #Hakupur #successstory

