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Run your Surface Treatment line with more efficiency

Are you still running an iron phosphate line? It might be costing you more than you think.
Decorrdal 923 LT is the next-generation in pre-treatment solutions. Designed to help you improve overall performance and reduce your environmental impact whilst maintaining high-quality coating results.


  • Save on Consumption: Less chemical usage per sq/m
  • Take on New Customers: Coatings work on Steel, Galvanised Steel and Aluminium
  • Environmental Responsibility: Phosphate-free and less polluting
  • Less Cleaning & Maintenance: No tank reaction & no sludge formation

Switching to Decorrdal 923 LT is not just a change, it’s a smart investment in your business that will pay off by boosting efficiency and positioning you for long-term growth.

#decorrdal #pretreatment #surfacetreatment

